Fit Not Fat at 40-Plus: The Shape-Up Plan That Balances Your Hormones, Boosts Your Metabolism, and Fights Female Fat in Your Forties And Beyond was created by the editors of Prevention Magazine. This book explains why women have a tendency to gain weight as they head towards menopause and how to avoid this through healthy eating and exercise.
The authors researched the complex relationships between hormonal changes, metabolism, physical changes and stress that are involved in weight gain as women enter their forties and beyond. They then created a plan that is easy to follow and will give immediate results to reverse the apparent predisposition towards weight gain in women as they age.
The first part of the book describes why women tend to gain weight as they approach menopause. The authors explain that with the proper information women can change their lifestyles so as to avoid extra fat accumulation as well as high blood pressure and elevated blood glucose levels.
General healthy eating strategies are discussed that will support both health and weight loss in women over forty. Dieters are instructed to select foods with a low glycemic index as well as to limit their intake of fat. Meal plans are based on a calorie intake of approximately 1500 calories per day.
The importance of exercise and the psychological aspects of weight loss are also discussed in depth. Women are provided with advice on how to maintain motivation and effectively manage stress. Fit Not Fat at 40-Plus explains how stress actually feeds the fat cells and dieters are taught how to identify the difference between true hunger and stress-related increase in appetite.
Fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, brown rice, legumes, low fat dairy, peanut butter, avocado, tofu, eggs, salmon, shrimp, turkey, chicken breast, lean meat, olive oil, canola oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar.
1 slice multigrain toast |
Bean burrito with part-skim mozzarella cheese |
Afternoon Snack
8 dried apricot halves |
2/3 cup brown rice |
Fit Not Fat at 40-Plus provides information about a large variety of different exercises and also includes a number of ten minute workouts. Additionally there are specific suggestions for fitness programs that can assist with the management of over 25 conditions including asthma, diabetes and osteoporosis.
Fit Not Fat at 40-Plus retails at $19.95.
Fit Not Fat will most appeal to female readers over forty as it is focused on the way that menopause affects weight management and health and provides solutions to address this influence.
The information included in this book is not particularly unique but it does provide common sense advice that is likely to lead to weight loss and health improvements for the majority of those who follow Fit Not Fat at 40-Plus.
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