Low Fat Meal Plan

Here is a traditional low fat eating plan that aims to keep fats to 30% or lower as recommended by the American Heart Association.


  • Fruit or Fruit juice
  • breakfast cereal (avoid toasted muesli or that with high sugar content) or cooked oats with skim or low-fat milk
  • savory dish: grilled tomato, baked beans (2 eggs a week)
  • bread or toast with a scrape or mono- or polyunsaturated margarine and spread such as jam, honey, or yeast extract.
  • water, tea, coffee, skim milk


  • mixed vegetable salad with polyunsaturated dressing or no-oil dressing
  • cottage cheese, drained canned fish or bean dish
  • bread, bread roll, pita bread or crispbread (aim for wholemeal)
  • fruit or low-fat yoghurt
  • water, tea, coffee, skim milk or fruit juice


  • small serve of lean meat, chicken or fish (remove all fat, and skin on poultry, and limit fats in meal preparation) or vegetarian savory dish
  • rice, potato, pasta
  • mixed vegetable salad
  • low-fat dessert made with low-fat milk (custard, yoghurt

See more calorie-based meal and diet plans.

  • Insull, W., Henderson, M. M., Prentice, R. L., Thompson, D. J., Clifford, C., Goldman, S., … & Woods, M. (1990). Results of a randomized feasibility study of a low-fat diet. Archives of Internal Medicine, 150(2), 421-427. Link