1400 Calorie Diet and Meal Plan – Higher Protein

These meal plans are around 1400-1450 calories, and are higher in protein. This calorie level is appropriate for a woman engaged in physical activity (such as 3-4 times per week), and who wants to lose weight.

This calorie level is not appropriate for men.

See more on the Daily Calorie Needs Calculator

4 days of meals are listed.

1400 Calorie Meal Plan

Day 1
(total 1440 cal)
Day 2
(total 1490 cal)
Breakfast (approx 540 cal) Breakfast(approx 360 cal)
1 weetbix + 3/4 cup of all bran
low fat milk – 3/4 cup
1 slice raisin toast + 1pat butter
1 medium sliced banana
3/4 cup high fibre cereal (eg All Bran) with 1/2 cup low fat milk
1 tub low fat yoghurt 200g
Lunch (approx 350 cal) Lunch (approx 400 cal)
1 slice of whole grain bread with a 100g tin of salmon, tossed with onion, capsicum tomatoes and lettuce
Lite salad dressing
1 piece of fresh fruit
25g cheddar or other cheese
4 Ryvita biscuits
1 pear

1 tub low fat yoghurt

Dinner(approx 550 cal) Dinner (approx 730 cal)
Light vegetable soup (less than 160KJ)
200g chicken breast fried in 2 tsp olive oil
1 cup mashed pumpkin with sprinkle of nutmeg plus zucchini and green beans
2 tsp grainy mustard
Low fat yoghurt
200g veal cutlets pan fried in 2 tsp olive oil with pesto topping with microwaved vegetables and steamed asparagus
Stewed apple
Day 3 (total 1390 cal) Day 4 (total 1460 cal)
Breakfast (approx 300 cal) Breakfast (approx 530 cal)
1 sachet instant porridge (40g) cooked with 3/4 cup of low fat milk

Tinned peaches 150g

Glass orange juice
2 eggs (poached, boiled or scrambled) with tomato and mushrooms cooked in 2 tsp butter
1 rasher lean bacon
1 slice whole grain toast
1 tsp lite canola margarine
Lunch (approx 325 cal) Lunch (approx 410 cal)
1 slice of whole grain bread

1 large mug pumpkin soup made with low fat milk
Low fat dairy dessert eg Fruche

Open chicken sandwich (1 slice of whole grain bread, 50g chicken, chutney 2 tsp, salad )
1 piece of fresh fruit
Dinner (approx 765 cal) Dinner (approx 520 cal)

Coriander and chilli lamb kebabs plus 1/3 cup cooked rice
Serve with mixed salad and mashed pumpkin
Low fat yogurt

2 egg omelette with 100g ham, zucchini and spring onion cooked with 2 tsp oil
Tossed salad with Lite dressing


Ensure you drink plenty of water – aim for 8-10 glasses per day.

The meal plans were created by the CSIRO research institute in Australia. See a review of their diet here.

  • Rammohan, M., & Juan, D. (1989). Effects of a low calorie, low protein diet on nutritional parameters, and routine laboratory values in nonobese young and elderly subjects. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 8(6), 545-553. Link
  • Fleming, R. M. (2002). The Effect of High-, Moderate-, and Low-Fat Diets on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors. Preventive cardiology, 5(3), 110-203. Link