Slimming World is a long-established UK weight loss company. In 2012 they began a USA-based operation, but this was closed in 2019. All USA customers are directed to the UK site.
They operate a very successful weight-loss program as a weekly class for members as well as an extensive online program as well as publish a magazine entitled Slimming World.
The Slimming World Diet is based on its diet plan centered around their concept of “Food Optimising“.
All trade marks mentioned in this article are the property of the registered proprietor.
The Slimming World Food Optimising Diet Plan promotes weight-loss through calorie restriction in the diet, but in a way that promotes satiety and not starvation.
The Optimising Diet is based on these principles:
For a better understanding of how food optimizing works, they have a free 7 day menu published on their website.
Exercise is an important part of Slimming World. However, they realize that exercise is difficult for some people, so they emphasize the importance of starting small and gradually increasing activity as strength increases and weight comes off.
Members are encouraged to regularly do 5-10 minutes of activity by starting off small — for example, just walking down the driveway or to the end of their street.
The ultimate goal is for Slimming World members to complete 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week.
Slimming World recognizes that dieters can increase their chances of success drastically by having a support system in place.
Members are provided with a trained Slimming World Consultant that will answer questions, provide positive reinforcement, as well as offer suggestions for increased success on the diet.
Members are also asked to join a weight loss group either at their few centers in Texas, Canada, and the UK or online through their website member resources.
1oz muesli and fat free vanilla yogurt. |
Skinny latte and 1 banana. |
Cheese and ham potato salad, made with baby potatoes, chives, scallions, fat-free Cheddar cheese and shredded, cubed lean ham |
Spaghetti Bolognese, with an onion cooked in low-calorie spray, extra lean ground beef, tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers, grated carrot, celery, garlic and oregano. |
Slimming World offers to levels of membership.
Slimming World UK here.
Find more healthy low Calorie recipes here.
Fantastic if you are a meat, fish or fowl eater, but God help you if you are vegetarian or even worse, vegan. Meat eaters get a good 200 different items to choose from to get adequate protein in their diets, but vegetarians are stuck with endless beans, TVP, plain tofu or maybe a Boca burger. You can also have quorn mince, but again this is not suitable for vegans as it contains eggs and tastes worse than cardboard. I spent $ 30 and used it for 5 days and no amount of e-mailing writing would make any of the girls who work there move past their scripts and figure out to swap something out for something else to make this thing work for me. They all write as if they are reading from a company script and will not deviate a millimeter and when they said they do not allow a few of the vegan protein products I mentioned due to be ‘processed’, their own response was ‘ I am sorry you feel that way Elizabeth ‘ when I mentioned allowing unlimited amounts of meat, fish and fowl for the other members and if that is not process, hormone and antibiotic filled, then I do know what is.
No response from the company’s director Yvonne either.
Final word – if you are a meat eater, give it a go.
If you are a vegetarian or especially vegan, run like hell.
the red days on slimming world gives you a faster weight loss,more protein you eat and less carb s,quicker the weight will come off.
Hi I am thinking bout doing the slimming world diet but don’t really understand it, please can anyone help me
Hi, this is my 2nd week on the SW diet. I am doing the Extra Easy as it does what the name suggests, all green and red days free foods r free with Extra Easy!!! 😀 I feel all i do is eat. I lost 1 n half lbs on my first weigh in and next weigh in is tonight! If i havent lost its only down to me having a pizza hut n chocolate at the weekend!!! The classes r really helpful and theres no books you have to buy to do the diet as you get them all on ur first night! UNLIKE WEIGHT WATCHERS !!!! Theres some1 in my class who has lost 4 stone in 28 weeks!!!! this is my drive to keep at it!! to all thoses who are considering starting it would defo reccommend it esp the Extra Easy Plan! Happy Eating!
i am finding it grand i am nt eating much wat i was eating i
slimming world really helped for me 🙂
I was thinking of joining, and tried the 7day free trial, but everything just semp to bloat me and struggled to go to the loo. so much food and i put on despite walking 4 mile a day, still bloated.
I have lost 24lb in 12 weeks. I found it easy to follow, but you must eat and not skip meals. The starter pack that you get from your consultant is good, read it a few times over the weeks to fully understand it. I didn’t have that much to loose so only 10lbs more. One thing I will say is that you must prepare for the week, most recipes that I tried were east and tasty – especially the curries. Try it and go to a group, I know i stick to it and loose more if I stay at the weekly sessions.
i lost 5lb my first wk on slimming world diet my weight stayed the same last wk hope i lose this wk
can someone help, i have tried and tried to fully understand how the diet works , i cant seem to get to grips with it. i have asked the lady who teaches the class but to be honest i am very embarrased to ask any more questionsand have stopped going but it does seem a good diet if i could understand it. HELP PLEASE.
i am finding it grand iam nt eating much wat i was eating before i started slimming world
Hi im!! My partner didnt have a unhealthy diet as i dont do frozen food or takeaways i like to do everything from scratch, he was over weight due to over eating mainly and the doctor recommended he just reduce portion sizes.
Not listening He has gone onto the slimming world diet but his weight is just yo-yoing i believe this is due to the unbalnce of the fat content as it is near non existant.
Can you tell me if this diet is so good for you way nutritionists recommend 65g of fat per day for a 2000kcal diet????????
hi iam thinking ov joining sw cud anyone tel me if its complicated plz x
i lost four pounds this week ,it is my first week i was really pleased ,
im never hungry i cant believe what you can eat im really pleased i made the effort to join ;
Hi! I have just bought a slimming world starter pack 2010 off ebay, ive heard that its meant to be really good. However, i dont know much about this “extra easy” plan. I dont understand how this can work as well as going on a red or green day?? I thought the whole point was to seperate different food types on different days so tht your body burns off a certain type of food each day? If i am mixing carbs with meat each day will it still work as good? I have about 3 stones to lose, and i get really disheartened if things dont work as they say they will. I want to work with th extra easy plan as i love mixing food types, but if red and green days are more effective, i will change my plan. Could anyone please explain? or let me know if the extra easy plan is just as effective? x
Cannot rate Slimmimg World highly enough! My Mum and I joined at the beginning of Feb 10, Mum’s lost 1st 9lb and I’ve lost 1st 3lb (between us that’s the equivalent weight of my 3 year old and a bit more!!) We follow the extra easy plan, are never hungry as there is so much “free” food to eat, and are still able to eat choc etc using our syns! The class is great, we have a laugh, but understand if someone has a bad week as we’ve all been there. I hit my target when I’ve lost another 9lb, so will be able to attend the class for free (as long as I stay 3lb either way of the target.) The best £4.95 I spend a week!
i went with a friend and never thought i could lose weight through actually eating and not starving myself – this really works and no it’s not some magic secret, it’s a bout changing your lifestyle and your out look on food. Muller light yogurts – the best and completely sin free.
I have 6 stones to lose. I want to join SW but I have had a problem over recent years, I am agrophobic. Its very expensive to join online. Can anyone explain how it works, I get really confused, red days, green days, extra easy, food optimising, syns!! I am watching some books on ebay and hope to get them and start next week.
I feel I need to be told the basic elements of how it works. Could you help.
Many thanks Carla
I am 14, and really want to join slimming world , but my mum wont join with me so what shall i do, please help 🙁
i will help you out alliyah
If anyone is thinking about joining sw all I have to say is this. Join now.
I joined the end of Oct 2009 and have now lost 4 1/2 stone. I had tried other diets with hardly any success, I heard about sw and thought why not. Im pleased I did.
If you’re thinking of joining stop thinking and do it. You wont regret it.
The difference between SW and a healthy balanced diet (which you can do freely if you put you mind to it) is nothing. The added advantages of SW is a reduced rate on the magazine (which in on way or another tells you how to achieve a healthy balanced diet), weekly weigh-ins (where you sometimes feel bad if you dont lose), and image theropy where you can meet new people and have a bit of a laugh.
I am currently a member of SW but i am thinking of leaving because the £4.95 i spend each week i could spend on buying more fruit and veg to feel me up. I joined SW thinking that it would involve some specially designed diet that was a closely guarded secret. To find that all it envolves is balancing fats, carbs ect and eating in moderation is somewhat disheartening for the amount of money i spend going to class and buying magazines ect.
The difference between slimming world and a healthy balanced diet (which can be achieved freely if you put your mind to it) is nothing. the added advantages of slimming world is and reduced rate on a magazine (which tells you how to create a healthy balanced diet), weekly weigh-ins (where you sometimes feel bad if you dont lose) and meeting new people at image theropy.
I am currently a memeber of slimming world but am thinking of leaving because for £4.95 a week i could buy extra fruit and veg to feel me up. I thought SW would help me lose weight through a special form of highly secretive dieting. To find all it involes is balancing things and eating in modration is somewhat dishearting for the amount that its costing me a mouth to go.
Hey everybody, I joined Slimming world november 2009, and in 16 weeks I have lost 1 stone 13 pounds! I really dont believe this website gives SW justice, as I wouldnt even class it as a diet, its more of a lifestyle choice. Theres never any need to go hungry, as so many beautifull foods are unlimited. This website is a bit dated, as now there is an ‘extra easy’ day, whereby you can mix red and green meals, as long as a third of your plate is ‘superfree’ meaning veg, so typical meals include mix grills, beef/chicken roast dinners, bolagnases, pasta dishes, anything really! You can also eat out on the diet, as almost every restaurant serves a selection of meals which can be incorporated into the diet. I also go out at least once a week, and I just save up my ‘syns’ (similar to weight watchers points) and have lots and lots of vodka diet cokes, or soco diet lemonade and lime. It really is an amazing plan, Im within one stone of my 9lb target and have never ever felt so good, I recommmend to anyone – one of the few things out there that ISNT too good to be true!
I would like to do the diet but I live in holland and on-line is quiet duur any help?
I’m thinking of joining sw, can anyone give me the push that I need? I have already lost some weight on my own,but I now need a little help as I keep picking and feel hungry alot of the time.
thanks Lynn
Hi, I’ve recently joined slimming world as i want to loose weight to be healthier and to feel more confident & sexier!
I have been doing it for a week but not sure if seen much improvement on the weight loss. The diet itself i love as i’m eating delicous healthy food and it doesnt fell like a diet but i want to know am i doing it right!!
for eg.
today i have eaten for breakfast cherry muller light (fat free yoghurt) & a big melon mixed witha satsumas.
I have snacked on carrots, celery & 2 apples.
For my lunch i had jacket potato & beans (no butter)
For my tea was planning to have pasta with tuna as a healthy extra with a philadelphia sauce/milk which will use more healthy extra.
so far today had no syns.
Do you recocommend having syns? am i doing this right or eating to much.
I’m so desperate to loose weight but last week saw no difference.
Thanks Beth xx
this is amazin G:D
Hi all,
just to let you know I joined sw abou 5 moths ago now, and have lost 2 stone, and dropped from a size 24 to a size 18 and feel wonderful, it might now sound all that great to some people but to the ones like myslfe we know thats a step in the right direction, I choose the extra easy plan because it fits in with my family, I never feel hungry and can eat all day long and still lose weight, and thats better than any shakes or pills if you ask me,is you go on slimming wrold on line there is a free week plan that you can try first, my friend joined 5 weeks ago and he has lost 2 stone the weight is faling off him and he looks wonderful. I cant tell you all how good I find this diet, well I dont think I can call it a diet I never feel hungry. good luck everyone, if I can help in anyway let me know.Mandy x
I have a lot of weight to lose… having tried and failed so many diets including a 2 1/2 stone weight loss with weight watchers but I put it all back on within a year because I was so fed up of feeling hungry all the time… not the case with this diet!
I decided to try slimming world and went for the first time in Jan 2010. I was petrified but knew I had to do something.
I have lost 12 1/2 pounds in 4 weeks. As I say I have a long way to go which is probably why I’ve lost more to begin with….?
But I am beginning to feel hopeful… the group is good fun and my leader is a hoot but he knows how it feels to need to lose more weight than most…he even rang me in my first week to encourage me.
Initially I took it just one meal at a time to begin with as I struggled to get my head around it. I only follow the extra easy plan as it even fits in with my busy life.
(5 kids and I work). I honestly believe if I can acheive success anyone can…. give it a try!!
i am thinking off joining the programme any tips.
ok, how do i copy and paste this info to someone. I cant do it, and im getting frustrated
To find out if there’s a group near you, go to the website linked above. In the centre of the page you’ll find an area in which you type your postcode. It will then give you the 10 nearest groups with dates, times, adresses etc.
Also if you go to the website you will find a 7 day menu plan.
The online SW is called BodyOptimise.
Hi Lizzy,
I just came across your comment while Googling “how does slimming world work”. I’ve been doing SW for 15 weeks and have lost a stone and half. I’ve no idea how but it works (which was why I googling!). Something about not giving your body the job of digesting both carbs and protien at the same time makes you burn fat? Thats the only thing I can think that it is.
Like you I ate healthly – no processed food, olive oil not butter when I cook, I don’t have a sweet tooth especially, lots of fresh fruit and veg. My diet on SW has barely changed, but the choices of what I have on any given day have altered (no meaty sauce on pasta dishes, stew with squash not potatoes, nothing I might not of done anyway) and somehow thats worked despite all my reservations.
I can’t recommend SW enough, I hope you get as much out of it as I have.
Now all I have to do is keep it off!
Having joined SW at the beginning of this week, I must say that I’m finding it all a little complicated, or, I am over complicating it!
I eat healthily anyway, and find that the red and green days are what i would eat anyway, so I am trying to work out if the diet is there to guide people who dont eat healthily, and should I use it to help me curb my syns?
I have about half stone to a stone to lose, I know its only been a few days and I should stick to it, but, I dont see what I am doing different than normal, I did start the on-line diary, which shocked me about my syns, so I’m thinking I keep up the healty eating and track my syns?
I may have this all completly wrong!
Any advice anyone?!
Hi i want to lose weight but cannot get to my local group as my husband works shifts so cant get to every meeting. I want to do the slimming world diet of red day and green days can someone let me know where i can get a book from so i can do the diet at home.If anyone knows i would be really greatful if they could email me to let me know. @ Many thanks lizzie.
I’m about to start the Slimming World diet which I bought off Ebay! Im a mum of 3 and my husband works shifts so not able to get to club each week. So Ive take the bull by the horns got my wii fit and my books at hand. Today im going to go through the book and mark off all the free food I like on green and red days and going to plan my meals for next week rather than giving up half way through. I’m finding it all rather confusing but I have to do it for my own health! Ive got 2 friends in work who said they would help with moral support so I can’t wait I would have 6 stone to lose but I would be happy with 1 stone to start. I need new clothes and I will not be buying this same size so looking at all the new season clothes coming into stores now and I am determined to buy them! I plan to start walking each night. Any tips from anyone who has been there please feel free!!! 🙂
Don’t be afraid to rejoin your Slimming World group, we ahve all fallen off the the wagon. Slimming World is a fantastic plan, I lost 3 stone 9 lbs 5 years ago and have never regained that weight, because I still follow the plans and i go to my group. There are 3 great groups in Epsom, Stoneleigh & Ewell in Surrey if you live in that area. Theres even a Saturday morning group, which is brilliant…. So go on the Slimming World website and find a friendly group near you…. you would be welcome as a new member or as a re-joiner….the extra easy plan is soooooo easy….
Can someone please tell me if i can join SW if I only have one stone to lose? I have lost 10 kgs, need to lose another 12 kgs or so.. Too embarassed to join a meeting..
hiya all iv been doin boyh red green now im goin 2 do extera east we started at 6am 2day so faer my kida like it
does your veg and friut have to be superfree on extra easy or can you just have free?also if having meat could you now have as many say peas and potatos as you wanted too? Thanks
i would some one to explian wot foods i can eat on red and green days plz help thanks
I think Slimming World is the best diet out there, especially when combined with the support you get during and outside of meetings. I am just 1.5 lbs short of a 4 stones / 56 lbs total loss since the end of July, and I cannot recommend it highly enough!
hi all
i have been doing sw now on and off the the last 5 years or so and has allways worked fine but since i have had my 3rd baby im finding its not working so well im so desprate to loss the weight and get back to where i was . has any one got any ideas or has this happened to anyone ??? pls email me thank u xxx
Hi There
When i lived in the uk a few years ago, i use to go to slimming world and did really well. I lost over 2 stone and got down to 9 stone 2lbs. Since moving to Canada i have put all that weight back on and finding it really hard to lose.
The consultant said that slimming were thinking all going to the US is this still true? Only once it goes there, they would be a good chance of it coming to Canada.
Does anyone know the answe to this question, i really need help…..
Hi slimmers,
I live in France & therefore cannot go to weekly classes in a local town. Also I work away from home alot so I don’t always have the same days/evenings off each week. But if I don’t lose weight I might explode!!!Is there a Slimming world online I can do ( if so where, how, how much etc)& if so has anyone else done it that way with success???
Hey everyone,
I am a little bit over wight and i wish to loose these kg i have extra. I have heared a lot about slimming world but till now I did not have the courage to join. What is putting me off are two things. The first thing is that everytime I start a diet I won’t make it to the second week. The second thing is that as I am from Malta – Europe, here we do not have a slimming world group. When I went to their website I saw that they have an online group. I am willing to join although I’m not sure that I will succeed. My problem is that I don’t know what advice they give you. Has anyone of you tried the diet online. Please help me I am really sad and desperate to do something.
If anyone of you could help me and give me some tips or courage please email me on
Thanks very much.
hello people i joyed slimming world 13 weeks and i lost 1 and 11 and a half pounds i am doing to diet as my sister in law is on it with me and i like this one better becoz i can eat three food and enjoy it now as i get full up now where as befor i never mike is the best slimming world person as he he helped me a lot
i have done this diets back in 2001 and lost 3 and half stone i am now giving it another go this year as i have another 4 and half stone to go wish me luck
Can you please tell me day, time and were in my area are there classes, BT34 4WG. Could I have contact phone number oof person who runs class to please.
hi kat here i hve been going 2 sw 10 wks now 2stone 4bs off iam on extra easy itis brill i can recemend it 2 anyone and iam in my fiftys
I can’t tell any difference between my green and red days. There seems to be plenty of foods to choose from. I’ve lost 6pds in under 3 weeks. I love being able to eat normal portions. The starvation diets really made me dizzy. I feel great on SW.
Hi everyone! I’ve been hearing lots about the new plan ‘Extra Easy’. Is it right that you can have both red and green together – but with 1 less healthy option? How does that work???? I’m very confused? I’m going to join the class on Tuesday. Wish me luck!!!
slimming world has the best diet yet
alison pass word this week is running
I’ve just moved to Canada and would really appreciate it if someone could let me have the passwords for this week or the next couple of weeks so I can check the syn values via the calculator as I cant get half of the products here. Need to get back on track. Thanks
Hi, could you please tell me where i can find Slimming
World classes in my area. Epsom surrey kt190ja.
Dawn asked about the “red day green day” diet book. The “red” day has now been renamed as “original” day. The old diet will still work but all has been updated, I suppose to line up with new nutrition guidelines and psycological findings on diets.
Margaret was asking about Quark. It is a very low fat (and almost tasteless) cheese but sometimes it can be found with the fromage frais and yoghurts. It’s very nice if you mix it with herbs and seasoning and then mix it with roasted veg just before you serve them.
My friend has recommended me to try the red day, green day diet, I was wonderirng if anyone could tell me where I could get the book from for this, is it availaable on the slimming world web site because I couldnt find it? If anyone can help I would appreciate it.Thanks Dawn
the person wanting a group in Torpoint, its at the council commitee rooms, York Road Tuesdays 12.30pm, 5pm and 6.30pm the consultant is Kath 01579363102. Hope this helps. It really is the best eating plan and support you’ll ever receive
Dear Sir/Madam
I am not a member but I have just recently bought a book called slimming worlds best ever recipes and I am struggling at the moment with one of the recipes in the book. I thought I would have a go at the banoffee pie. I have got all the ingredients exept quark which I can’t get. is it what I really need or is it optional.? do you think you could get back to me on this please I would be much obliged. I also buy your magazine when it is out.
M Smith
I have been a member for 2 years. I’ve lost 4 stones doing all of these plans – yes they do work! Your synopsis of the eating plans is very well explained and I will be recommending this site to friends who are just starting at Slimming World (or those that need a refresher)because it’s succinct and easy to understand. Thanks for that.
i have joined slimming world 14 weeks ago and i have lost 2 stone 2 pound, i have another 2 stone to lose and that will be me in back in my size 10 clothes i cant believe how well it has worked i dont even feel like im on a diet its amazin xx
Have just read yr ideas on this new Extra Easy plan – sounds too good to be true – so easy to get rid of a HE in order to have more orless what you want, but I dunno, does this work??? I hope so!!!!! I simply thought that the whole idea of red or green days was notto mix the two, therefore helps you to lose the weight or have I got this totally wrong???
I live in Torpoint Cornwall and through a relative I have seen and heard great things about this diet can any body tell me if there is a group in this area
used to do sw but now in spain cant afford to pay online but dont really understand the new extra easy plan can sumeone please help i have 1 stone to lose x
Hi Laura. You must try Extra Easy – the new SW plan – it’s so so so so easy it’s amazing!. Use your old books – everything that’s free on a green day you can have, everything that’s free on a red day you can have – on the same day – you don’t have to split your days into red OR green anymore, BUT you can only have 1 healthy extra A and 1 healthy extra B per day (choose these from either red or green lists). then have 5-15 syns/day – I recommend 15 – and you’re sorted….you’ll never look at another diet again….think I should be on commission from SW, but it really is that good I want to shout it from the rooftops!
Hi Laura – you can still use the ‘old’ books if thats what you have. The ‘red’ days and ‘grren’ days are still an option on the slimming world diet. The new diet that they have just launched is where you can eat ‘free’ food from both plans on the same day but you have to ‘give up something’ in order to have what I would say’ normal meals’ such as spaghetti bolognaese with real lean mince instead of quorn or meat, veg and potatoes in the same meal. The ‘something’ that you have to sacrifice is a healthy extra from both lists – a cheese / milk portion and a bread portion each day.
I would say it is worth it because it makes your evening meals (which is when I tend to eat the most) more varied and you don’t get bored.
Hope this has been some help to you.
right i’m TOTALLY confused !!!! decided to start slimming world yesterday as need to shift 15 kilos of baby weight !!! Eeeeek… thing is i live in spain and don’t have any english meetings near to me, i have a book that my sister in law gave me a few years back so i dug it out and decided that the green option was the best for me…. but then a friend of mine told me that it had changed and doesn’t consist of the red and green options now?? is the book i have still OK to use?? you’re all doing wonderfully.. hope i can too !! x
Hi everybody…
It is so good to hear that you are all loving slimming world. I joined slimming world at the end of July 2006 and by the beginning of March 2007, I’d lost 4 and a half stone! After that, my weight plateaued for a while and due to illness last year – I didn’t lose anymore. I started ‘afresh’ 3 weeks ago and now back on track – losing just over half a stone in 3 weeks.
The new diet – Extra easy is available now where you can mix the red and green days together but you cut down on your healthy extras.
Good luck eveyone 🙂
I have been following food optimising for the past 10months. I have lost 5kilos. The diet is faboulous since you can eat pasta, rice , couscous on green days and lean meats on original days. Vegetable fruits and low fat yogurts are free on both days. Even when eating out you can have your day as original then order meat and veg and have your potato as a HB obvioulsy not chips but baked or roasted. Try it and enjoy.
Well I have done my first week and I have lost 5lb!! My other half lost 8lb. Was a little upset that I didnt lose as much as he did as I have more to lose that he, but I have been told men lose quicker. I cant believe how much you can eat and still lose weight. Im totally gutted that I didnt know how fantastic SW is before I got to 10 stone over weight!! Id have joined years ago. Im really enjoying the diet. Anyone with any douubts – Please dont!!! It really does work. Forget those silly adverts of diet pills etc. Get yourself to SW. ITS GREAT! Will keep you posted how I get along. I actually thought it wouldnt work as I was eating that much but the proof is in the pudding; I was the second woman in the group of about 20 to lose the most and my other half was the top. Had it not have been our first week of diet, he would have won the fruit basket, you have had 3 visits from when you start and lose the previous week before you won it. He got a certificate for losing 1/2 stone. They also have a raffle for the food basket. It really is FANTASTIC no joke. Please have no more thoughts about should I or shouldnt I – GO!! 🙂
Has anyone else had weight gain rather than loss with slimming world. I’ve been sticking to red days and in my first week I’ve 2 pounds on ??? Go figure and I have been following the plan religiously 6 daily sins, 1 healthy a and b measured out. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I am eating loads of fruit though?
Hi this is to amanda. I too have about 10 stone to lose and also have an underactive thyroid. When I read your post it I couldnt believe it, it was almost like Id written it myself. Id like to lose my weight for my wedding which is about 20 months away. Im going tomorrow for the first time EVER, luckily I have my bloke for support. He doesnt need to lose as much as me. It wont take him long I doubt but for us it will take longer but hell girl We can both do it!!! All the best and post your progress – Ill do mine too. 🙂
Hi, I am going to a class on Thursday. These comments are so helpful when you are considering something like a new diet, so I will come back in the next few weeks to report back! Am nervous about going by myself mainly!
Hi i so need help i have been highly recommended to s/w i have to loose 10 stone i feel ashamed however i have been diagnosed with an under active thyroid now on medication its time to put wheels in serious motion i do need a kick up the !!!!!!!however i cant seem to get to grips with the actual diet could someone please plan me one many thanks
i am really confused.. i do not know how eating endless potatoes and beans can make me lose weight, i started yday, i have had bachelors packet rice on its onw for main meal, omlette with chopped papper/onion/mushrooms for lunch is this correct for a green day, as well as fuit.
red means i dont eats carbs except fruit and veg am i right so far? would really appreciate help/advice feel free to mail me tips!!! please!
Reading your comments have made up my mind to go back to SW. Have tried it before but not stuck to it for long as i’ve read paul mckennas book and similar which say eat what you want when hungry and lose weight, but i can’t stick to that either!! but has turned my mind off dieting. Has anyone had similar experience or comments?
hi all…i`m thinking of starting the s.w diet and as its new to me ive got to learn all about it, ive only ever been to weightwatchers, which i lost 35lb on….so here we go folks lets hope i can understand this diet and lose the weight… good luck to all thats on it 🙂 bev
Other quick thoughts — even a little exercise helps; my mother’s Consultant recommended no more than one banana a day; we also try to stick to no more than 5 or so syns most days.
Lucy — a lot of people find that green days are better than red. Not true for everyone, but worth a try if you lean mostly towards red normally.
Please see above.I ment to say…’a couple of months, since sept!!
Hi, Ive been on the diet for a couple of sept, so far i have lost 1 stone. I love the diet! I have been sticking to the diet, but my weight seems to have stayed the same for the past month. Does anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks.
Extra Easy is being introduced in the UK in the new year (2009). It’s a very good plan, but no one is allowed to know what it’s about until it is unveiled.
SW really does work, iv’e lost 4 stones since March, great eating plan.
Hi Tash, could you tell us a bit more about the new Extra Easy plan? Can we eat freely from the list of ‘free’ foods or do we have to have them as say 3 meals a day (a bit like WW Core?). Can we still have the same number of syns per day/week? And is it true we will still be allowed 1 HA choice and 1HB choice per day?, Thanks
hi ijoined slimmers world 5 weeks ago; and have lost my first stone’ great you never starve, like other diets. its also a great way 2 meet other people. im so looking forward 2 dressing up and feeling social again. after months of baby fat.its great to have found a diet that does work.
Hi, i did slimming world about 4 years ago, and it really does work, went from nearly 13st down to just under 9st, think it only took about eleven months, also have got my mum onto it again, and she’s lost nearly 3 st sofar, i am now training to be a diet & nutrition advisor, so would love some input from you guys, if anyone has any thing they want to say then email me on keep smiling
I love slimming world, it’s not the only diet that’s worked for me, but it’s the only one I’ve been able to stick at for more than a fortnight. I’m a total pasta fiend and eat it every day without fail which is free with slimming world! Because it fills you up you don’t end up eating tonnes and tonnes which is why the calories aren’t a problem. We eat chilli con carne, spag bol, bacon burgers, syn free chips and use our syns for deserts like angel delight or jam steamed puddings.
It can be complicated at first but stick at it, it teaches you to change how you eat and you find your palette changes and you find greasy foods realy sickening to eat. I did the plan for about 6mths and lost two stone (having a takeaway every week so I knew I’d have a slower weight loss than I could have had). Lost every week though 🙂 I gave up at the end of the summer and now a year later I’m back on it but I didn’t put a single pound back on, I kept every one off. I’ve lost half a stone in two weeks and feel so much more energetic.
Plan your meals in advance to make sure you use your healthy extras properly and enjoy!
I’ve been going to slimming world on and off for several years and it is the only form of diet that has ever worked for me. when i first went i lost 5 stone in 9 months and then made the silly mistake of not going and subsequently put the weight back on over 5 years. I like it because I can eat until I’m satisfied unlike weight watchers where I felt permanently hungry.
I have since lost it all again. In answer to Maria’s question, Slimming World is apparently opening in america next year and introducing a new plan called extra easy. This does away with red and green days so you can eat any free foods together. This for example means that you could have chicken curry and rice which up until now has been a big no-no. I am trialling this new plan this week because I have to admit the separation of carbs and proteins is a very contrived way of eating to me.
I like Slimming World, but I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not for me. I don’t eat a lot of junk food, fatty food, sweets etc but I do have a huge appetite. On a green day meal I can easily eat a whole packet of pasta (500g dried weight!) with bolognese sauce made with quorn – all free food on a green day. On a red day I can easily eat a 500g packet of extra lean mince cooked with onions and carrots – again all free food on a red day. I find it difficult, when adding up all these calories, to know how I can lose weight and I didn’t actually lose any weight! If anybody has any views on this please let me know! Also, I agree with a previous post that the site is boring. I don’t think it has been upgraded once in the last 4 years.
This may sound like a really dumb question but is it possible to join this club or maybe an American version of this in the US? I know someone who has literally lost 72 pounds in 6 months…..that is amazing! As I am so trying to get back down to a reasonable I’ve failed on my own, I am now seeking for help.
HI all, well im on my second day of slimming world, im going it alone without the classes and im gonna but the books, after reading all your stories i feel so excited just came off the cambrige diet on tuesday It was way to hard and actually a form of starvation, this diet, i didnt think it was possible to loose weight on it, almost too good to be true!! I love it already thanks for the inspiration
I joined slimming world at the end of January, and it still never fails to amaze me how i have managed to turn my life around after years of failed attempts at various diets. So far I have lost three stone and am well on my way to target. My health has improved greatly and I bore my freinds silly with my tales. Fortunately they love me enough to put up with me and they are extremely proud of their new slimline freind. Its a whole new way of life and it is so easy. My advise to anyone thinking of joining is GO FOR IT!!! You will be pleasantly suprised when those pounds roll away .
You have all done well with sw i used to do sw and lost alot of weight but then had a few problems and the weight came back been trying another diet wont mention but you will know it but feeling really hungry on it
What confuses me when you cant have mashed potatoe on a red day
But can have as much as you want on a green day.
The other thing is where you can only have 1 oz cereal i would feel hungry by mid morning
Ive lost 5 stone in 4 months doing the SW plan, my family and friends say im losing it too quickly but cant believe the quantities of food i am eating and still losing, i cant help it i eat all day everyday, my 3 main meals and my calcium and fiber choices, plus snacks fo fresh fruit and yoghurts in between, i lost 7lb in my first week and have done it twice since. this plan is amazing but you have to change the way you look at diets, if you believe a diet consists of limiting your calories and only having a certain amount of red meat or carbs then you will fail, but if you can stop thinking like this and just eat what you are allowed then you will lose weight easily and quickly without feeling deprived while on SW. i say go for it to anyone considering it, its not hard to get your head round it is unbelievably straight forward, eat as much free food you want, add a couple of calcium choices and fiber choices to that then have up to 15 syns of anything that takes your fancy, it is all in the books.
A very long time ago a lovely friend who has since passed away with cancer, gave me a receipe from slimming world (back in the UK) it contained canned corned beef, mixed with chopped onion, cottage cheese on top and topped with sliced tomatoes I cannot remember if the two eggs were mixed with the corned beef or the cottage cheese. It was then placed in the oven in a shallow dish and backed. When it came out you could eat it either hot or cold and it sliced like quiche. It was delicious and I just want to know if you have the exact receipe. Regards Susan.
i was thinking about rejoining sw but was a bit hesitant,but reading all the comments on this page has given me that little nudge i needed.i hated the thought of being a rejoiner with friends and family telling me what a waste of time it would be because of failing,but i needed some motivation and i got it here so here goes im going tonight.
It’s a really good diet for anyone regardless of allergies and medical problems because YOU choose what you are going to eat. If yu are allergic to wheat or nuts etc, don’t eat them – pick something else. I lost a lot of weight on it a few years ago and then fell by the wayside and I am back and it is great. I heard a number of people say they dont feel hungry and I agree totally. You NEVER need to feel hungry. But just remember not to go thinking about counting calories or it will do your head in. Think of it as a test of faith. IT WORKS and as well as losing weight you learn to eat healthily and nutritiously.
The most important thing is for people to find thier personal dietry food balance. Carbs/proteins or protein/carbs?
For some people its all red days and for others its all green days or a few days red/few days green.
Personally speaking I think SW is great for personalizing a persons eating habits for life. Its not a go back to what you was eating before plan. Eating healthy and consistently is the aim and to enjoy it also.
With finetune planning and effort/trying new foods this plan is great. If I was to join again I would eat 5 small meals a day and not go over my limits in my daily protein (if red day) or my daily carbs (if green day) even if they say eat as much as you want. I know my appetite and it needs a limit. Others dont. Fact.
i went to SW and got all the books that i needed but after a while i couldnt afford to go anymore so i continuedthe diet on my own. i lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks which was great.
I have been a member of Slimming world on and off for about 4years.
I am a pure Vegetarian means that I don’t eat no fish,Eggs meat or any products that contain animal fat.
I find that Slimming world worked for me when I rejoined last time and then left the group in Stanmore,UK. My consultant was Claire Albaum, who is very understanding Lady and guides you the right way and you are open to phone her any time when you are feeling down.
I think its well worth its money.
So all you people who are out there contemplating to join or not? My advice is go and join TODAY.
I am just thinkin about joining S.W. having tried almost every diet known to man (and woman) apart from a one time only success with W.W. several years ago,(Ilost 3 stone, getting down to 8st 8lb’s) and a million attempts to…do it myself, have never been able to keep the weight off, I am hoping this might be the one for me. will keep you all posted….
love reading all your entries,i started sw 3 week ago and have lost 3 1/2 lb 1st week,6 lb 2nd week and weigh in tonight,so fingers crossed!been a yo yo dieter all my life so this is great,if you hungry,just eat!!it’s allowed 🙂
i love going 2 slimming world its a laugh. the food is so nice and healthy. its my second week now. had a good 1st week i lost 4lbs hope ive done good my second week as well. Every1 got 2 try the slimming world chips they are just the best u can get. good luck 2 Every1 4 this week hope i have lost sumthing this week.
i am feeling so unhealthy and so overweight, but so worried i am not going to be able to stick to this eating plan….
I love it – I was always a gym joiner but no goer! now I save myself £70 a month and see quicker results. I mostly eat green days but allow myself wine and chocolate if I really want it! It really does work i was convinced i would never get rid of the belly flab but now I have lost 1 stone 4 pounds sine June. I have learned how to cook differently and love the syn free chips and roast potatoes! It has now become a way of life for me not a diet and i’m so so glad I joined. Best £4.50 a week i’ll ever spend and as i’m not in the gym anymore i can spend money having my hair done every 2 weeks!
I was two stone heavier after the birth of my son and got straight onto this eating plan – Not only did I lose the weight (and a further 4lbs) incredibly quickly, but I learnt the imoportance of healthy eating and gaining back the control of what I ate.
As a result, I am so very happy, confident and full of energy, And most importantly, I got myself back!
If anyone is even slightly considering trying this out, my suggestion is DO IT!!!
10 months ago i was 17st 4 1bs i was sent to slimming world by my GP for for a free 12 wk course. i lost 26 1bs in those 12 weeks and decided to carry on with the group i was attending i have so far lost 5 stone altogether just by doing the red days as i love my meat and fish without having to weigh or measure them. and i also still have chocolate (in moderation though)i can not thank my GP and slimming world consultant enough as without their help im sure i was heading for an early grave.
i was 16stone 4lbs last monday, and 9 days later i am 15stone 9lbs – 9lbs loss in 9 days, simply by using the online bodyoptimising plan. i honestly cannot believe how easy it has been and how much easier it is to get ready for work in a morning if my breakfast consists of apple chunks, melon chunks and a satsuma covered in fat free natural yoghurt as opposed to toast caked in butter. In addidtion, it is much more tasty. Personally, ive found the easiest was around the diet plan to think of red days=meat, green days=starch, both days = lots of fruit, veg and a couple of poached eggs.
On this diet do you have to follow a memu? I prefer to cook whatever I like obivously using the guidelines of the program, also if I was out shopping and wanted sometime to eat how would I find out the syn value?
May I have a list of veg and fruit thats S or SS i am going to work abroad and want the hotel where i am staying to cater appropriately.
Many Thx
I know it sounds crazy but this just works. Their website is awful, the plan is hard to get your head around. I found it helpful knowing someone who had been on it for a while. You can limitless amounts of allowed food. Ignore anyone who slates this, go grab a trial week from them and see for yourself. Amazing results – Never ever feel hungry.
I did slimming world a few years ago,I am thinking of rejoining. Do they still do the home made corned beef quiche, this was sin free when I went?
I did this about 10 years ago..and it is and remains one of the best ways to loose weight.. and with the just sheer quantites of food you can eat (like pasta on green days) ..theres no hunger !
I’d still choose the wholewheat grains over white..just for nutrional sake.
I did slimming world a few years ago and now just getting back on it… but i still cant get my head around the fact that on green days i can eat as much pasta as i want? is that right?
I rejoined SW for the second time this year and I’ve just become a target member after losing just over a stone. It’s a really good diet because it doesn’t restrict you from eating ‘naughty food’! Anyone thinking of doing it – do! xx
Hello, I used to do the slimming world doet a few years back and at that time the food optimising book said you sohould have one healthy extra A per day and two healthy extra b’s. Is this still the case?? As the website seema to indicate otherwise and i’m confused!!!! thanks
hi there,
i like the idea of slimming world. i am a vegetarian so will be doing all green days. i wanted to know if white rice, potatoes, and regular pasta is allowed or does it all have to be wholemeal?
but is it worth it
this is the most amazing diet ive ever been on.
the reason its so good is because you arnt restricted to ANYTHING like mostly every other diet out there.
you are able to eat chocolate, crisps, fatty foods (in moderation of course) and not feel bad about it.
this is what keeps me going on this diet because every week after i get weighed i have my bar of chocolate, and its fine!
ive even had chinese takeaway one night and lost 1 1/2lb the week after!
i used ot be a member wheni lived int he uk, now livingin vancouver i miss the slimming world plan so much. can anyone send me the new inf and some food diaries please. And is white rice still a free food? i would so love some one to help me get started.
hi iam rejoining and looking forward to it just hope iam as successful as a few years ago when i lost 3 stone in 4 mths
I find the diet very complicated. Im not really sure what I should be eating on which days. Plus it is very expensive as the things you are supposed to eat are not foods that I would normally eat.
Hi people
Just want to say that I started SW three weeks ago, I have stuck to the plan, I mainly have red days as I am a big meat eater but in three weeks with a steady weight loss I have lost 1/2 stone not once have I ever felt hungry and never have I come across a way of eating that allows me to loose weight and still have some of those naughty extras we all cant live without.
I am a converted SW fan and if this kind of weight loss continues I will be over a stone lighter for my Wedding day on 3rd August and back in my size 10 jeans by Christmas.
I have been a memeber of slimming world for two years now, i am a target member which means i no longer have to pay and i can still go to groups and get weighed.
I am currently keepin off just under 4 stone in weight. This diet was laughed at and ridiculed by many of my friends and family, but since losing all of the weight around 6 of those have now joined and are on their way to reaching their target weights.
this diet has so worked for me
Hi Pebs, basically you have to throw away all your ideas about what “dieting” is, the SW plan is based on a lot of things, not just calories or fat content and believe me it does work, I’ve lost 2stone in 3 months on it and have friends who’ve lost a lot more.
Basically it is a sound plan which teaches you how to eat well, but you MUST stick to what is allowed on your day whether you’ve chosen green or red i.e. eating loads of baked beans on a green day is fine but eating loads on red is not.
I cannot see how this diet can work,when told you can eat as many bananas as you like.If I were to eat say 8bananas and my meals as well,would I lose weight? That would take me over the amopunt of calories my body needs in one day in order to lose weight. Can you explain?
You’ll find two 7-day Slimming World menus – one for vegetarians and one for people who eat meat – at the website:
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