Ultimate Metabolism Diet

ultimate-metabolism-dietThe Ultimate Metabolism Diet: Eat Right for Your Metabolic Type is the creation of weight loss specialist Dr. Scott Rigden.

Rigden believes that people can be categorized into five different metabolic types, each of which requires a specific dietary and lifestyle pattern in order to achieve and maintain their ideal weight.

Dr. Rigden guides readers through the process of determining their metabolic type.

Ultimate Metabolism Diet Basics

A chapter in the book is devoted to each type and provides specific advice regarding diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, and medical information that will enable you to maximize weight loss in accordance with your unique needs.

Rigden outlines the five different metabolic disorders that can interfere with the ability to lose weight.

  1. Carbohydrate Sensitivity
  2. Metabolic Syndrome
  3. Hormonal Imbalances
  4. Food Hypersensitivity
  5. Liver Detoxification/Chronic Illness

Each metabolic type includes examples of actual case histories that will assist in your ability to determine which category you fit into.

Rigden also addresses the issue of emotional eating and gives advice on how to mentally prepare for weight loss. He discusses the five “P’s” of successful weight management, which include patience, persistence, planning, positive thinking, and perspiration.

Recommended Foods

Raw and lightly cooked low starch vegetables, low glycemic fruits, nonfat cottage cheese, nonfat plain yogurt, lean meat and poultry, raw nuts, olive oil, legumes, whole grain bread, protein shakes, avocado, salmon, eggs, Ryvita crackers, brown rice, sweet potato.

Sample Meal Plan

This is an example of the diet plan for Metabolic Syndrome.


Protein shake

Morning Snack

1 pear
8 walnut halves


¾ cup black bean soup
3 oz turkey breast
1 slice 7 grain bread
1 teaspoon canola mayonnaise
Lettuce and sliced tomato
¾ cup low fat cottage cheese

Afternoon Snack

Protein shake
15 cherries


3 oz broiled salmon
1 cup steamed spinach
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 small baked sweet potato
Large mixed salad

Evening Snack

1/3 cup salsa
1 cucumber
½ cup raw green beans
Sliced red pepper

Look for other healthy meal ideas here.

Walking Recommended

Specific exercise recommendations vary depending on which metabolic type the dieter is categorized as. All dieters are advised to engage in daily walking to promote weight loss and improved health.

Costs and Expenses

The Ultimate Metabolism Diet: Eat Right for Your Metabolic Type retails at $15.95.

Available from Amazon →


  • Speaks to those who have had limited success with conventional approaches to weight loss.
  • Provides information specifically related to heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders, adrenal fatigue, polycystic ovary syndrome and food allergy.
  • Takes into account individual variations that may impact on the ability to lose weight.
  • Discusses how some prescription medications can result in weight gain and how to solve this problem.
  • Addresses the issue of emotional eating.
  • Includes meal plans and recipes.


  • Quite restrictive, eliminates a wide variety of foods and may be difficult to eat out.
  • May require more time to be spent on food preparation.
  • May require the use of supplements and medical food replacement powders, which could be expensive.
  • Includes a lot of medical terminology, which may overwhelm some readers.

An Individualized Approach

The Ultimate Metabolism will appeal most to dieters who have attempted to lose weight by following a more healthy lifestyle yet have failed to achieve their desired results.

It provides a more individualized approach that is likely to assist dieters when their ability to lose weight is complicated by other health issues.

 By Mizpah Matus B.Hlth.Sc(Hons)
  • Hamilton, M. T., Hamilton, D. G., & Zderic, T. W. (2007). Role of low energy expenditure and sitting in obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Diabetes, 56(11), 2655-2667. link
  • Stella, C., Beckwith-Hall, B., Cloarec, O., Holmes, E., Lindon, J. C., Powell, J., … & Nicholson, J. K. (2006). Susceptibility of human metabolic phenotypes to dietary modulation. Journal of proteome research, 5(10), 2780-2788. link

1 Comment or Reviews

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  1. ryan

    wow this diet is th best