eDiets was once one of the largest online weight loss programs.
Founded in 1997, their membership was once over 2 million. They won plenty of awards and recommendations from such publications as Time magazine, and Forbes Best of the Web.
eDiets was a subscription-based service, where the user payed quarterly for a number of services; customized diet and meal plans, shopping list, recipes, email assistance, and access to online tools and calculators.
From 2007 eDiets began a meal delivery service, but this was to ultimately be unsuccessful, with the business being sold off to As Seen on TV Inc in 2013.
By 2020 the site had disappeared.
Within these plans you are allowed to change individual food items (for example, if you were allergic to nuts). You are also allowed to change plans at anytime.
eDiets varies in price depending on which level of service chosen.
The membership only plans start at $18.95/month, but are cheaper if 3 months are paid for at once.
eDiets has built an enormous brand based on successful weight loss. There are many success stories online and here is one from Brooke who lost 88lbs using their diet food delivery plan.
I started counting calories as a kid packing my lunch. I finally had to ask myself, “Am I always going to be the overweight girl?”
I tried many diets that didn’t work. No matter what I tried, the weight always came back. (I even tried a whacky Pineapple Diet!) Then I found eDiets. When I first got the food, and it was so great, I knew it was a turning point for me.
I love how simple eDiets has been. It’s so easy! With eDiets there’s no counting points or tracking—no measuring anything. I didn’t have to think about it. No cooking, no embarrassing weigh-ins. You just eat the food and lose weight! It’s foolproof!
I am so proud of myself. I didn’t realize just how unhappy I was until I started losing weight. eDiets really changed my life.
They do advertise extensively, and have a huge opt-in newsletter that they make heavy use of.
after my delivery my weight increase to 80 kilo and still period not came, i require advice from u end what should be used and when
i really need to use weight. Please send me tips?
my mom is a diabitic,high Bp. and last week she did intervention ( heart surgiry),, she’s 57 yrs,, wieght 100 kg..
she’s still recovering from the surgery, plz send me advices and diet
They are a scam you can buy better food at the grocery plus they charge you for food that hasnt even shipped yet!! Liars.
im 10 years old and weigh 12 stone 3 pounds and wants to be 8 stone at least. any tips??? i hate anorexia ppl its horrible but im incredidbly obese so i need some tips on how to loose wieght in weeks and months