Drop Two Sizes in 12 Weeks

Drop Two Sizes is a weight loss plan created by Rachel Cosgrove, who was named Personal Trainer of the Year in 2012. She is an Ironman Triathlete and regular fitness advisor to “Women’s Health” magazine.


This 12-week program can help you:

Drop 2 Sizes Diet Basics

Cosgrove draws attention to research showing that weight loss does not necessarily equal fat loss.

It is more important to focus on losing inches and stop paying attention to the number on the scale. If you lose two sizes and look great, why should it matter how much you weigh?

How to Eat to Drop Two Sizes

There are some general rules you should follow for the entire duration of the 12-week plan”

  • Eat breakfast as soon as possible in the morning.
  • Eat a meal every 3-4 hours.
  • Eat high quality protein and healthy fat at every meal.
  • Have two servings of vegetables at every meal, working up to 10 servings per day.
  • Eat unprocessed natural whole foods.
  • Drink eight glasses of water each day.
  • Take nutritional supplements.
  • Always have a recovery shake after every workout.

Splurge Meals

You should stick to these rules 90 percent of the time. But you can allow yourself 10 percent to splurge. (You are permitted up to three splurges a week).

Plan your splurges and make sure that you use them on something you will really enjoy or for a food that you have been craving.

You might like to go to the movies and eat some popcorn. Or perhaps enjoy a cocktail on a girl’s night out.

Don’t waste them on what Cosgrove refers to as “lazy splurges” such as having cereal for dinner because you can’t be bothered to prepare a meal.

There are 3 Phases with a Step-By-Step Weekly Plan

Each phase lasts for 30 days.

Goals of Phase 1

  • Build healthy habits and strategies for success.
  • Eliminate junk food and eat nutritious foods.
  • Plan ahead to avoid confusion.
  • Start eating more vegetables. At least three servings a day minimum.

Goals of Phase 2

  • Continue with the momentum you’ve built in phase one.
  • Stay focused.
  • Increase your vegetable intake to 6-8 servings a day.

Goals of Phase 3

  • Consume 10 servings of vegetables a day.
  • Swap more of your fruits for berries, which are high in fiber, lower in calories and more nutrient-dense than other fruits.
  • Eliminate starchy carbohydrates from your last meal of the day.

Foods Recommended

Egg whites, tofu, chicken breast, turkey, canned tuna, 2% Greek yogurt, natural peanut butter, whey protein powder, chick peas, flax seeds, Ezekial bread, quinoa, brown rice pasta, oatmeal, sweet potato, broccoli, spinach, peppers, avocado, berries, bananas, oranges, salsa, olive oil, green tea.

Possible Meal Plan


1 cup 2% Greek yogurt
1 cup cubed pineapple
2 tablespoons chopped raw almonds

Morning Snack

1 apple
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter


3 ounces canned water-packed tuna mixed with ½ cup chopped celery
1 tablespoon olive oil mayonnaise
Dijon mustard to taste
1 pear

Afternoon Snack

Post-workout shake


4 ounce turkey burger in a Portobello mushroom
2 cups mixed greens
1 cup chopped veggies
1 tablespoon homemade vinaigrette

Includes 3 Workout Plans

There is a separate workout plan for each of the three phases. The workouts are clearly laid out to make sure you can plan ahead and make time to exercise.

Weight training is emphasized because it helps you build muscle and boosts metabolism. You will perform strength building exercises 3-4 times a week for about 40 minutes. On the other days you can go for a walk, hike or do something else active that you enjoy.

Costs and Expenses

Drop Two Sizes: A Proven Plan to Ditch the Scale, Get the Body You Want & Wear the Clothes You Love! retails at $21.99.

Available from Amazon →


  • Includes a 12-week meal plan created by a registered dietitian.
  • Recipes are simple and quick to prepare.
  • Encourages a high consumption of fresh vegetables.
  • Allows “splurges” which can make it easier to stick with the program.
  • Provides a comprehensive exercise plan with photographic illustrations.
  • Dieters may be inspired by the success stories of women who have completed the program.


  • May be difficult to perform the exercises while referring to the photos in the book.
  • Requires nutritional supplements.
  • Meal plans can be repetitive and the foods may become boring after a while.
  • Does not provide adequate guidance or advice on food substitutions for vegetarian dieters.
  • Will not appeal to dieters who prefer flexibility in their meal plan and exercise regime.

Focuses On Losing Inches Not Weight

Drop Two Sizes is a highly structure 12-week diet and exercise program that focuses on losing inches rather than the numbers on the scale.

Dieters who follow the plan will reduce calorie intake and increase lean muscle, resulting in fat loss and an improved physique.

 By Mizpah Matus B.Hlth.Sc(Hons)
  • Sartorelli, D. S., Franco, L. J., & Cardoso, M. A. (2008). High intake of fruits and vegetables predicts weight loss in Brazilian overweight adults. Nutrition Research, 28(4), 233-238. study link
  • Ello-Martin, J. A., Roe, L. S., Ledikwe, J. H., Beach, A. M., & Rolls, B. J. (2007). Dietary energy density in the treatment of obesity: a year-long trial comparing 2 weight-loss diets. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 85(6), 1465-1477. study link


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