Calories in Margarine-like Spread

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Margarine-like Spread Calories and Macronutrients

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Calories Carb
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
Margarine-like spread, (approximately 40% fat), corn (hydrogenated and regular)8000.91.29014.8
Margarine-like spread, (approximately 40% fat), soybean (hydrogenated)8000.91.29015.1
Margarine-like spread, (approximately 40% fat), soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed8000.91.29019.3
Margarine-like spread, (approximately 40% fat), soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed (hydrogenated)8000.91.29016.7
Margarine-like spread, (approximately 40% fat), soybean (hydrogenated) and palm (hydrogenated and regular)8000.91.29023.4
Margarine-like spread, (approximately 40% fat), unspecified oils17001.90.4
Margarine-like spread, 70% fat, liquid, with salt1 tablespoon87009.81.5
Margarine-like spread, approximately 60% fat, tub, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed (hydrogenated)123701.4139.227.5
Margarine-like spread, fat free, liquid, salted1 tbsp60.
Margarine-like spread, made with yogurt, stick, salted100 grams6300.50.37013.3
Margarine-like spread, reduced calorie, 40% fat, stick, with salt1 tablespoon5000.15.60.9
Margarine-like spread, reduced calorie, about 40% fat, made with yogurt, tub, salted1 tablespoon460.30.34.91
Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Light Buttery Spread1 tablespoon47005.21.5
Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Omega Plus Spread (with plant sterols and fish oil)1 tablespoon85009.42.7
Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Regular Buttery Spread1 tablespoon85009.42.7
Margarine-like spread, SMART BEAT Smart Squeeze1 tablespoon7100.30
Margarine-like spread, SMART BEAT Super Light without saturated fat1 tablespoon22002.40.3
Margarine-like spread, stick or tub, sweetened1 tablespoon752.307.31.2