Calories in Biscuits

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Biscuits Calories and Macronutrients

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Calories Carb
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
Biscuits, mixed grain, refrigerated dough7513.
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, commercially baked10313.
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, dry mix48872.
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, dry mix, prepared1 oz9513.
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, prepared from recipe10012.624.61.2
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, refrigerated dough, higher fat9012.41.83.81
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, refrigerated dough, higher fat, baked9913.51.94.21
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, refrigerated dough, lower fat7313.
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, refrigerated dough, lower fat, baked8515.