Calories in Chicken and Turkey

Chicken WingWhat is Poultry?

Poultry means turkey or chicken (domestic fowl), but can also include domesticated duck, goose and guinea fowl.

Chicken Calories and Nutrients

Per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of chicken meat

Poultry Calories Protein
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Chicken (roasting, meat and skin, roasted) 223 23.97 13.39 3.74 76
Chicken (roasting, light meat, meat only, roasted) 153 27.13 4.07 1.08 75
Chicken (broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, stewed) 151 28.98 3.03 0.85 77

Turkey Calories

Per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of Turkey meat

Poultry Calories Protein
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Turkey (all classes, breast, meat and skin, roasted) 208 28.1 9.73 2.84 82
Turkey (all classes, breast, meat only, roasted) 170 29.32 4.97 1.64 76
Turkey (all classes, light meat, roasted) 157 29.9 3.22 1.03 69
Turkey (all classes, dark meat, roasted) 187 28.57 7.22 2.42 85

See a full range of Poultry Foods or more chicken variations, or more turkey foods.

Preference for chicken as protein source over beef, is a personal preference.

Research shows, that from a weight loss perspective, there is no different in outcomes between the two proteins.

  • Melanson, K., Gootman, J., Myrdal, A., Kline, G., & Rippe, J. M. (2003). Weight loss and total lipid profile changes in overweight women consuming beef or chicken as the primary protein source. Nutrition, 19(5), 409-414. Link

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  1. Ronald Murphy

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