Baby Boomer Diet: Anti-Aging Secrets

Baby Boomer Diet Anti-Aging SecretsThe Baby Boomer Diet was created by Donna Gates, nutritional consultant and author of “The Body Ecology Diet”.

This book contains a blend of cutting-edge medical information, practical health advice and spiritual wisdom, specifically tailored to meet the needs of baby boomers, which are usually defined as those individuals born between 1946 and 1964.

Donna Gates, who herself is a baby boomer, understands the unique requirements of others in her age group, including their desire to restore their health and regain their youth.

The Baby Boomer Diet will help you achieve these goals and is based on a combination of her own research with the knowledge of over twenty anti-aging experts.

Baby Boomer Diet Basics

The Baby Boomer Diet is centered on the principles of Gates’ other book, “The Body Ecology Diet”, which is adapted to assist in the management of the health challenges associated with aging.

One of these factors includes a reduced production of digestive enzymes that occurs as we age. This means we have greater difficulty extracting the nutrients from our food. But our digestion can be improved by eating the right foods in the right combinations.

In general you will start with a light breakfast consisting of low glycemic fruits. Lunch is the best time to eat animal products, such as organic eggs or wild salmon, because digestion is strongest at midday. The last meal of the day should be light and vegetarian and will contain items like steamed vegetables and gluten-free grains.

Fermented foods like cultured vegetables and probiotic drinks such as coconut kefir are an important feature in the diet she recommends. These foods not only contribute to better digestion but also boost your energy.

Gates also explains the importance of healthy fats and oils including hemp seed oil, flax seed and extra virgin coconut oils, which nourish your thyroid, enhance brain health and promote beautiful skin and hair. She emphasizes the importance of consuming an ideal balance of the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fats for optimum health and youthfulness.

Also included is advice on fast-acting methods to shed excess weight and eliminate cellulite, how to create an alkaline body, natural tonics to boost sex drive, simple remedies for wrinkles and information about superfoods.

Recommended Anti-Aging Foods

Fermented vegetables, raw and steamed vegetables, sea vegetables, coconut kefir, grapefruit, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, kiwi fruit, organic eggs, cold water fish, grass-fed beef, free range poultry, raw butter, raw milk, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, amaranth, miso, stevia, Lakanto, spirulina, almonds, coconut oil, raw apple cider vinegar, green tea.

Sample Meal Plan

On Arising

Several glasses of pure water
Cranberry juice in coconut kefir


Grapefruit sprinkled with stevia or Lakanto
Handful of blueberries
Green tea


Eggs with cultured vegetables
Small green leafy salad

Afternoon Snack

Vitality SuperGreen mixed into coconut kefir


Quinoa with steamed vegetables

Exercise Recommendations

Baby boomers are encouraged to practice a yoga series called “The Five Tibetan Rites”, which were developed by Tibetan monks to stimulate the energy centers of the body that relate to the endocrine glands.

These exercises take about 15 minutes to perform and are said to help you detoxify, enhance bone mass, tone the muscles, improve posture, flatten the abdomen and eliminate a common sign of aging; the double chin.

Costs and Expenses

The Baby Boomer Diet: Body Ecology’s Guide to Growing Younger: Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation retails at $27.95.

Available from Amazon →


  • Encourages the consumption of fresh, organic and unprocessed foods.
  • Includes information of particular relevance to baby boomers.
  • Emphasizes the use of cultured foods, which can improve digestive function.
  • Addresses the importance of stress management for optimal wellness.
  • Can be adapted to suit vegetarians.


  • May require a significant adjustment in eating habits and food choices.
  • Difficult to eat out and stay on this anti-aging program.
  • Nutritional supplements including digestive enzymes and probiotics are recommended for best results.
  • Will involve an additional investment of time to prepare the fermented foods that form the foundation of the diet.
  • Does not contain a meal plan or recipes.

Anti Aging?

The Baby Boomer Diet is a holistic program that is specifically tailored to assist in the restoration of health, the prevention of diseases associated with aging and the promotion of a youthful appearance.

Although it will primarily appeal to readers in the target audience, the information in this book is relevant to people of all ages who are interested in promoting optimal digestion, and enhancing general wellbeing.

 By Mizpah Matus B.Hlth.Sc(Hons)
  • Masoro, E. J. (1993). Dietary restriction and aging. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 41(9), 994-999. study link
  • Yu, B. P. (1996). Aging and oxidative stress: modulation by dietary restriction. Free radical biology and medicine, 21(5), 651-668. study link


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