Calories in Fruit

Fruit is made up of mostly simple carbohydrates, some proteins, and very little fat – of course there are exceptions such as avocado.

Fruit is not just about calories, but other health benefits that are available.

However during a fat-reducing program, all simple sugars should be eaten in moderation. But don’t go too overboard – fruit contains many healthy nutrients – antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber.

Fruit Calories and Macronutrients

Fruit Serving Calories Carbs
Apple raw, with skin, 100g = 1 small 52 (218 kj) 13.8 0.3 0.2
Apricot raw, with skin, 100g = 3 apricots 48 (201 kj) 11.1 1.0 0.4
Avocado raw, no skin, 100g 160 (670 kj) 8.5 2.0 14.7
Banana 1 medium 94 (393 kj) 21.7 1.1 0.3
Boysenberries raw, 1 cup 75 (312 kj) 18.4 1.0 0.6
Blueberries raw, 1 cup 81 (339 kj) 20.5 1.7 0.6
Dates 1 cup, pitted, chopped 490 (2047 kj) 130.8 3.6 0.7
Grapefruit 1 medium 82 (343 kj) 20.5 1.5 0.3
Grapes 1 cup, seedless, red or green 114 (475 kj) 28.3 1.0 1.0
Kiwi fruit 1 medium, 2.7oz, no skin 46 (194 kj) 11.2 0.8 0.3
Lemon 1 medium, 2oz 17 (70 kj) 5.4 0.6 0.2
Melon Cantaloupe, 1 medium wedge, 2.4oz 24 (101 kj) 5.7 0.6 0.2
Nectarine 1 medium 67 (279 kj) 15.9 1.2 0.5
Oranges 1 large, 6.5oz 86 (361 kj) 21.5 1.7 0.2
Peaches 1 medium, 3.5oz 42 (176 kj) 10.8 0.7 0.0
Pear 1 medium, 5.8oz 98 (410 kj) 25.1 0.7 0.7
Pineapple 1 cup, diced, 5.5oz 76 (318 kj) 19.2 0.6 0.6
Plums 1 medium, 2.3oz 36 (152 kj) 8.6 0.5 0.4
Raspberries 1 cup, 4.3oz 60 (252 kj) 14.1 1.2 0.6
Strawberries 1 cup, halves, 5.4oz 46 (190 kj) 10.6 0.9 0.5
Watermelon 1 wedge, 10oz 92 (383 kj) 20.6 1.7 1.1


Can’t find it? See the full range of fruits and fruit juices.

Fruit and Health

Your level of fruit consumption is associated with lower cancer risk, and the risk of heart failure. However, note that many of these studies looked at fruit and vegetable consumption, one study noted that higher vegetanle consumption (but not fruit) was linked to a slowed cognitive decline on older age.

When following a weight loss diet, it is advised to continue consuming fruit, in order to keep antioxidant levels up.


  • Bradbury, K. E., Appleby, P. N., & Key, T. J. (2014). Fruit, vegetable, and fiber intake in relation to cancer risk: findings from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). The American journal of clinical nutrition, 100(Supplement 1), 394S-398S. Link
  • Morris, M. C., Evans, D. A., Tangney, C. C., Bienias, J. L., & Wilson, R. S. (2006). Associations of vegetable and fruit consumption with age-related cognitive change. Neurology, 67(8), 1370-1376. Link
  • Crujeiras, A. B., Parra, M. D., Rodríguez, M. C., Martínez de Morentin, B. E., & Martínez, J. A. (2006). A role for fruit content in energy-restricted diets in improving antioxidant status in obese women during weight loss. Nutrition, 22(6), 593-599. Link